Among the few Italian firms to offer an integrated service, the Group’s firms can count on technical departments which are able to carry out external maintenance, and on reliable partners all over the country.

Training for technical staff involves an annual programme of training and refresher courses to cover technological advances and research into new products. Firms operating in this field, such as, Satelicom, Tecno Ratio and Metalli Preziosi, ensure that the Group stays abreast of new security technologies and therefore meets the department’s growing needs, including the provision of services to third party firms.

Monitoring of the fleet and management of control systems are carried out on behalf of public institutions, road transport firms, industries, commercial operations and security institutes.

A considerable amount of consultancy work is also dedicated to firms whose operations involve a significant level of risk in security or safety.


Advanced security services thanks to satellite radio-location systems for the security of vehicles and goods being transported.


Monitoring via 24/7 country-wide operations centre to guarantee road transport firms and private individuals protection for their vehicles and for the goods transported.

Business Consultancy

Security consultancy service for firms whose work involves a significant level of risk to either security or safety. Consultancy and installation of multi-access, synchronised, DMR and TETRA radio networks.

RoIP and TVCC Systems

Installation of centralised radio systems with RoIP technology; Planning and installation of CCTV systems.


Logistics management for clients’ warehouses; packaging and shipping with digitalised management of goods using appropriate procedures.

Installation, assistance

Installation of remote video-monitoring and video recording systems, environmental safety and radio-location on vehicles. Assistance accessible 24 hours on request.